Minimal #1 - the UI state

Overview I assume you're aware of Minimal , and you want to use it to implement a scalable and maintainable architecture. I also assume you (may) have watched my presentation about Flutter Architecture Components . In this post I'd like to show you the first step, where you want to define the UI state. It could be done also the other way around, starting from the data layer and then implementing everything until you reach the UI and its state, but empirically I found out that starting from a well defined UI state will help you to reason better about your code. The code of the Pokemon app can be found here . State, in brief With Minimal you have 3 players: a state a notifier which holds your state a manager which allows you to access your notifier A state can be anything, from a single primitive to a very complex class. When the state contains the information needed for a UI to build, it's called a UI state. There are 2 types of UI states: ephemeral state app state You can ...